June Is National Microchipping Month

For any pet owner, the fear of losing your pet is a real fear. But thankfully, there is technology that can help ease that fear: microchipping. June is National Microchipping Month. Studies have shown that there are more lost pets during the month of June. My guess is that this would be because we are spending more time outdoors so our pets are too. Of course, your DogWatch fence keeps your pets contained when you’re home, and we have several training products, like the SideWalker, that can aid in keeping your pet from wandering away. But what if it does happen? Is your pet prepared?
What is Microchipping?
Microchipping can be a huge help if your pet does get lost. The chip is about the size of a grain of rice and contains contact information (which you will need to keep updated in case your contact information changes). Once a lost pet has been taken to a vet office or animal shelter, they are scanned for a chip. If a chip is found, the owner is contacted per the contact information on the chip. This can help ensure a safe return to the pets’ owner.
How is a Microchip Inserted?
The microchip is inserted under the skin with a needle and is usually placed between the shoulder blades.
What Information is available through the microchip?
The microchip only contains identification numbers. The only thing the information will be used for is to track you down in the event that your pet is found.
You can check with your vet on pricing, but microchipping is usually pretty inexpensive and some offices may offer specials throughout the year.